Saraswati Puja All Mantras

Saraswati Puja All Mantras

Goddess Saraswati is the deity of wisdom, learning, and the arts. Saraswati Puja (Saraswati Puja All Mantras)is celebrated on the fifth day (Panchami) of the bright fortnight of the Hindu lunar month of Magha, known as Vasant Panchami. On this day, students, teachers, and educational institutions across the country install the idol of Maa Saraswati, set up a sacred pot (Kalash), and perform rituals and prayers to seek her blessings.

In this article, we will explore all the mantras used in Saraswati Puja.

Auspicious Purification Mantra

This mantra is recited to purify oneself before beginning the puja.

Aapavitrah Pavitro Va Sarvaavasthaam Gato Api Va | Yah Smaret Pundarikaksham Sa Baahyaabhyantarah Shuchih ||

Vishnu Smaran Mantra

This mantra is chanted to invoke Lord Vishnu before starting the puja.

Tat Vishnu Paramam Padam Sadaa Pashyanti Surayah Diviva Chakshuratatam | Namah Madhava Madhava Vachi Madhava Madhava Hridi | Madhava Smaranti Saadhavah Sarva Kaaryeshu Shri Madhava Shri Madhava Shri Madhavaya Namah ||

Sankalpa Mantra for Saraswati Puja

Before starting the rituals, devotees take a vow (Sankalpa) with this mantra.

Vishnuroom Tat Sadaadya Maaghe Maasi Makara Raasisthite Bhaaskare | Shukla Paksh Panchamyaam Tithou Amuk Gotrah (your gotrah) Shri Amuk (Your name) Devasharma | Prabhut Vidyalabh Kaamah Shri Saraswati Pritikaamo | Ganapatyadi Nana Devata Pooja Poorvakam | Masyaadhar Lekhani Sahit Shri Saraswati Poojan Karmaham Karishyaami ||

Beej Mantra (Seed Mantra)

This is the primary mantra for invoking Goddess Saraswati.

Om Aim Saraswatyai Namah ||

Dhyana Mantra (Meditation Mantra)

This mantra is recited while meditating on Goddess Saraswati.

Om Tarunshakala-Mindobhibhrati Shubhrakantih | Kuchabhar-Namitangi Sannishanna Sitabaje | Nijakar-Kamalodya Lekhani Pustakashreeh | Sakalabhivabhasiddhyai Patu Vagdevata Namah ||

Pranam Mantra (Salutation Mantra)

A mantra to pay homage to Goddess Saraswati.

Om Saraswati Mahabhage Vidye Kamalalochane | Vishwarope Vishalakshi Vidyam Dehi Namostute ||

Vandana Mantra (Glorification Mantra)

This mantra praises the divine qualities of Maa Saraswati.

Jaya Jaya Devi Charachar Saare | Kuchayuga Shobhita Mukta Haare | Veena Ranjita Pustaka Haste | Bhagavati Bharati Devi Namostute ||

Prarthana Mantra (Prayer Mantra)

A prayer for wisdom and knowledge.

Om Yatha Na Devo Bhagawan Brahma Lokapitamahah | Tvaam Parityajya Santishthet Tatha Bhava Varaprada || O Vedaah Shaastraani Sarvaani Nritya Geetaadikanch Yat | Na Bihinam Tvayaa Devi Tatha Me Santu Siddhayah || Om Lakshmir Medha Dhara Tushtih Gauri Pushtih Prabha Dhritih | Etatabhih Pahi Tanubhih Ashtabhih Maam Saraswati ||

Pushpanjali Mantra

This mantra is recited while offering flowers to Goddess Saraswati.

Om Bhadrakalai Namah Nityam Saraswatyai Namah Namah | Veda Vedanga Vedanta Vidyasthanevya Eva Cha ||

Devotees then offer Pushpanjali (flowers) at the feet of Goddess Saraswati three times while chanting this mantra.

Saraswati Kavach (Protective Shield of Saraswati)

This is a sacred chant for seeking divine protection from Goddess Saraswati.

Brahmobach | Shrinu Vatsa Pravakshyami Kavacham Sarvakamadam | Shrutisaram Shrutisukham Shrutyuktam Shrutipoojitam || Uktam Krishnena Golake Mahyam | Vrindavane Vane | Rameshwarena Vibhuna Rasena Rasamandale || Ateev Gopaniyamcha Kalpavrikshasamam Param ||

Homa Mantra (Mantra for Fire Offering)

A sacred chant for conducting Homa (fire ritual) in Saraswati Puja.

Om Bada Bada Bagvadini Swaha ||

Shanti Mantra (Peace Invocation)

A mantra for universal peace.

Om Richam Vacham Prapadye, Mano Yajuh Prapadye, Sama Pranam Prapadye, Chakshuh Shrotram Prapadye, Rago Yah Sahajo Mayi, Pranapanou Yanme Chidram | Chakshusho Hridayasya Vyatitirnam Brihaspatir Me Dadhatu | Shanno Bhavatu Bhuvanasya Yashpatih ||

Om Swasti Na Indro Vriddhashravah | Swasti Nah Pusha Vishwavedaah | Swasti Nastarkshyo Arishtanemih | Swasti No Brihaspatir Dadhatu ||

Om Swasti Om Swasti Om Swasti ||

Read More :- Saraswati Pranam Mantra

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